WCBM 680


Stimulating Talk, Breaking News. Sean & Frank,Bruce Elliott,Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Buck Sexton, Mark Levin & more. The Most Powerful Names in News!
Se unió en diciembre de 2010


  1.   retwitteó
    Did you know: Under Barack Obama, the National Park service used 30 million in taxpayer dollars to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the National Parks The media was silent. So why were they outraged that President Trump used less than 1/10th of that to celebrate America? 🤔
  2.   retwitteó
    Imagine breaking into another country & then being pissed off because their detention centers weren’t up to your standards. FINISH THE WALL.
  3.   retwitteó
    When visits the border! There are bombs hitting the news cycle tonight so I'll drop the full video tomorrow. Here's a sneak peek. Go forth and share.
  4.   retwitteó
    Last time a Republican was Mayor in the following cities: Atlanta - 1879 Chicago - 1931 Baltimore - 1967 Detroit - 1962 New Orleans - 1872 Pittsburgh - 1934 Seattle - 1946 Philadelphia - 1952 No wonder they have failing schools, high crime, and poverty.
  5. LISTEN: Vet & CEO of patriotic Tyler Merritt gives his reaction to 's flag shoe decision
  6.   retwitteó
    I’ve never seen so many people upset over a 4th of July parade 😂 That’s how you know Trump Derangement Syndrome has taken control. These leftists are such miserable people they can’t stand to see the American spirit alive and well!
  7.   retwitteó
    There was more American history in ’s speech at the then in the whole public school/university education system.
  8.   retwitteó
    🇺🇸 President Trump's Fourth of July celebration concludes with a flyover from the US Navy's Blue Angels.
  9.   retwitteó
    The astonishingly beautiful fireworks over the Lincoln Memorial! Trump has given America back to its citizens! We couldn’t have a better President!
  10.   retwitteó
    Wow! Rousing great speech, great air show, great bands! The great pilots, the great timing of the speech with the fly-overs. We are all so blessed to be Americans! Happy Independence Day everybody! 🇺🇸
  11.   retwitteó
    Never forget: You wouldn't be celebrating today if it weren't for a group of men who: Clinged to their guns Loved God And valued freedom over everything All things that today's Democrats oppose RT!
  12.   retwitteó
    So my sister, a lifelong Democrat, just called from Iowa. She is FURIOUS that CNN, CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC are NOT airing the Washington DC 4th of July Celebration! Saying, "They POLITICIZED Independence day, NOT !" -- She Gets It. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  13.   retwitteó
    Happy Birthday America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  14.   retwitteó
    Now this is how you celebrate America’s 243rd birthday. It’s awesome to see patriotic Americans honoring our flag, our President, and those who protect us. We all should be proud to live in the USA and we should never be afraid to show it!
  15.   retwitteó
    I did not like Barack Obama. Like at all. But I didn't compare him to Hitler. Or shout 'NAZI' at people who supported him. Or call his detention centers concentration camps. And I sure as Hell didn't stop loving my country. You guys on the Left really need to get a damn grip.
  16.   retwitteó
    . LIES. As saves lives.
  17.   retwitteó
    Daily reminder that Kamala Harris is an anti-Christian bigot
  18.   retwitteó
    BREAKING: Dow, S&P 500, Nasdaq all close at new record highs as markets closed early for the Fourth of July holiday
  19.   retwitteó
    People are saying because he’s having a huge 4th of July parade & they think he should use that money to help illegals at the border. I rather Trump spend millions on celebrating America than to spend millions helping illegal aliens Who’s with me?
  20.   retwitteó
    Nigerian-Americans are the most successful ethnic group in the U.S! If you want to know how it’s possible that blacks who come from under-developed Africa, keep outperforming blacks from overprivileged America— it’s bc they weren’t exposed to the Democrat parasite of victimhood!